June 5, 2019

May 2019 Market Update

Wallmark Square Stats 010604

Wallmark Square Stats 010604


May numbers just came in from the REBGV Stats Centre and here is what we are noting in our most popular custom home locations:

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- Burnaby prices are down from last year, with not much change since last month. Sales are up from last month - but still down from last May - so it looks like people are catching on and realizing the great buying opportunities there!


Wallmark Square Stats 030604

- North Vancouver’s median sales price is WAY down from last month, and slightly down from this time last year. Nonetheless, sales are up! Have you seen our community in North Vancouver yet? There are some great view properties available for your picking!!

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- Vancouver is experiencing a similar trend to North Vancouver. One main difference is the amount of inventory for last year; it has decreased. What do we think? It’s a great time to pick up a property and custom build on!

- Most importantly, the takeaway number to remember in all of this is our phone number: 604.420.5220. Give us a call - we’ve got so much more knowledge beyond this... and boy oh boy, do we ever love to talk stats and numbers and what it all means for you! Let’s talk!!